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Export pure drinking water equipment to Southeast Asian markets

Author:ozowatersytem Date:2022-09-03 Clicks:464

Pure water drinking equipment system refers to the water that the human body can drink directly through the deep purification of the source water through the equipment. 

Environwateros direct drinking water equipment is mainly used in combination with pre-treatment and terminal bactericidal microfiltration device. It can effectively remove suspended solids, colloidal particles, odor, bacteria, viruses, eggs, harmful ions and organic matter in the water. After filtration, the reverse osmosis membrane technology is used to remove salt, and the sterilization device is used to make the water quality meet the international standard for drinking water quality, and then the water is supplied to each drinking point through the branch of the special water transport pipeline.

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Environwateros direct drinking water equipment system has the advantages of advanced technology, stable water quality, low operating cost, low maintenance cost, simple operation and environmental protection.

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Application industry: The equipment is widely used in office buildings, office buildings, hotels, guesthouses, apartments, villas, schools, hospitals, factories, units and other places of best quality drinking water equipment.

Note: The device can be customized according to user requirements.

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Drinking water treatment technology 

  • 饮水纯化处理系统.jpg

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